Source code for shapley.solvers.expected_marginal_contributions

"""Expected Marginal Contributions Based Shapley Value Approximation."""

import numpy as np
from numba import jit
from scipy.stats import norm
from shapley.solution_concept import SolutionConcept

def create_integrand_vectors(player_count, q, w):
    Creating the vector of standard deviations and integrand limits.
    :param player_count (int): Number of players in the game.
    :param q (float): Quota to win the game.
    :param w (float): Weight of the player in the game.

    :return a_s: Vector of lower integrand limits.
    :return b_s: Vector of upper integrand limits.
    a_s = (q - w) / np.linspace(1, player_count - 1, player_count - 1)
    b_s = (q - 10**-20) / np.linspace(1, player_count - 1, player_count - 1)
    return a_s, b_s

def create_standard_deviation_vector(var, player_count):
    Creating the vector of standard deviations and integrand limits.
    :param var (float): Variance of the weights in the game.
    :param player_count (int): Number of players in the game.

    :return sigma_s: Vector of standard deviations for the game.
    sigma_s = np.power(var / np.linspace(1, player_count - 1, player_count - 1), 0.5)
    return sigma_s

[docs]class ExpectedMarginalContributions(SolutionConcept): r"""The expected marginal contributions approximation of the Shapley value in a weighted voting game using the technique proposed by Fatima. For details see this paper: `"A Linear Approximation Method for the Shapley Value." <>`_ """ def __init__(self, epsilon: float = 10**-8): self.epsilon = epsilon
[docs] def setup(self, W: np.ndarray): """Creating an empty Shapley value matrix.""" self._Phi = np.zeros(W.shape)
def _approximate(self, W: np.ndarray, q: float): """Using the naive multilinear approximation method.""" for data_point in range(W.shape[0]): mu = float(np.mean(W[data_point, :])) var = float(np.var(W[data_point, :])) sigma_s = create_standard_deviation_vector(var, W.shape[1]) for player_index in range(W.shape[1]): w = W[data_point, player_index] a_s, b_s = create_integrand_vectors(W.shape[1], q, w) shap_in_game = norm.cdf(b_s, loc=mu, scale=sigma_s) - norm.cdf( a_s, loc=mu, scale=sigma_s ) self._Phi[data_point, player_index] += np.sum(shap_in_game) self._Phi = self._Phi / np.sum(self._Phi, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def solve_game(self, W: np.ndarray, q: float): r"""Solving the weigted voting game(s). Args: W (Numpy array): An :math:`n \times m` matrix of voting weights for the :math:`n` games with :math:`m` players. q (float): Quota in the games. """ self._check_quota(q) self.setup(W) self._approximate(W, q) self._run_sanity_check(W, self._Phi) self._set_average_shapley() self._set_shapley_entropy()
[docs] def get_solution(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Returning the solution. Return Types: Phi (Numpy array): Approximate Shapley matrix of players in the game(s) with size :math:`n \times m`. """ return self._Phi