Source code for shapley.solvers.exact_enumeration

"""Exact Enumeration Based Shapley Value."""

import itertools
import numpy as np
from shapley.solution_concept import SolutionConcept

[docs]class ExactEnumeration(SolutionConcept): r"""Exact enumeration of all permutations and finding the pivotal voters. It is designed with a generator of the permutations. For details see this paper: `"A Value for N-Person Games." <>`_ """
[docs] def setup(self, W: np.ndarray): """Creating an empty Shapley value matrix and a player pool.""" self._Phi = np.zeros(W.shape) self._indices = [i for i in range(W.shape[1])] self.permutations = 0
def _run_permutations(self, W: np.ndarray, q: float): """Creating Monte Carlo permutations and finding the marginal voter.""" for perm in itertools.permutations(self._indices): self.permutations = self.permutations + 1 indices = list(perm) W_perm = W[:, indices] cum_sum = np.cumsum(W_perm, axis=1) pivotal = np.array(indices)[np.argmax(cum_sum > q, axis=1)] self._Phi[np.arange(W.shape[0]), pivotal] += 1.0 self._Phi = self._Phi / self.permutations
[docs] def solve_game(self, W: np.ndarray, q: float): r"""Solving the weigted voting game(s). Args: W (Numpy array): An :math:`n \times m` matrix of voting weights for the :math:`n` games with :math:`m` players. q (float): Quota in the games. """ self._check_quota(q) self.setup(W) self._run_permutations(W, q) self._run_sanity_check(W, self._Phi) self._set_average_shapley() self._set_shapley_entropy()
[docs] def get_solution(self) -> np.ndarray: r"""Returning the solution. Return Types: Phi (Numpy array): Approximate Shapley matrix of players in the game(s) with size :math:`n \times m`. """ return self._Phi